
MozambiqueTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Mozambique Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Mozambique Government in Sector.

Electrical and Construction Material Supply Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761898

Deadline:  14 Aug 2024

It Support Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761899

Deadline:  02 Aug 2024

Construction Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761900

Deadline:  06 Aug 2024

Self-Employment Kit Allocation Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761911

Deadline:  30 Jul 2024

Motorcycle Supply Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761912

Deadline:  26 Aug 2024

Various Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761913

Deadline:  31 Jul 2024

Services for Purchasing Lamps and Waste Containers

MZT Ref No.:  104761914

Deadline:  23 Aug 2024

Procurement for Construction Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761915

Deadline:  05 Aug 2024

Procurement for Construction Services

MZT Ref No.:  104761917

Deadline:  15 Aug 2024

Procurement for Construction Consultancy

MZT Ref No.:  104761918

Deadline:  09 Aug 2024

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